Monday, February 12, 2007, ya that's the spot


Phil said...


I love the photos! I see you're a sucker for black & white. I like how you caught the old school car in the Flat Iron photo, nice job.

gasenzer said...

I agree. The Flatiron shot is the best. It reminds me of New York in the 70s

melissa fockler said...

Phil - I'm literally addicted to the shading and tonal values black & white photography captures.

It’s funny that picture with the Flatiron… Mathew and I both took several shots of the building in the background of that photo. But the Pizza Pizza building nearby was ruining all our shots. It was funny. We were jumping corner to corner trying to get the right angle for the photograph. Haha!

Thanks for the compliments! I’ve stopped by the eg studios site on more than one occasion, and I have to say I really love the pictures you and Mat have taken. So, good job to you too! :)

Mathew – Thank you! If it weren’t for you, a lot of these pictures would have never happened, so I’m dedicating this blog post to you! :)

gasenzer said...

I think that's my first dedication ever. *tear* I'm welling up here.

melissa fockler said...

Mathew - hahaha!!!!