Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Galerie Glendon

The Annual Student Exhibition at The Glendon Art Gallery is finally here! And I'm proud to say I'm included among several talented Glendon artists showcased at this event. The exhibition will be taking place between March 6 to 16, 2007. The opening reception is happening this evening between 5 - 8 pm. I wish to extend a warm welcome to all interested in attending!


Franco's Space said...

Hey Melissa,

I'm so sorry I had to miss it!!! Put up some paintings because I like looking at them, lol. Call me whenever you get this. It's somewhat of an emergency.


Amanda said...

Cool! Is this your photos or as Franco says above, paintings? And where do I go? I never knew that our school did stuff haha

melissa fockler said...

The Glendon Art Gallery is located in the Glendon Manor. :)